When to Plant Bare-Root Roses

Pink Rose

Bare-root roses may look deceiving when first purchased, with their absent leaves and brown roots, but once planted, and given proper care, you will receive beautiful blooms. The reason for the absence of leaves and brown roots is due to the fact that bare-root roses are in a dormant state, which prevents transplant shock and allows for easier planting. It is best to plant them in the spring and late … Read More →

Square Foot Gardening

plant food

Square foot gardening has become the hot new movement in gardening. The idea is that each square foot of a garden can be used to produce a crop, based on the recommended plant spacing. As an example, a 2×2 garden can be used to produce everything needed for wonderful salads during the growing season, 16 carrots, 4 lettuce, one tomato plant, and one bell pepper plant. My new Raised Garden … Read More →

Monthly Tip for September

Water more frequently Trees Every 1-2 weels 3ft deep around the drip line Shrubs 2ft Deep Groundcover 1ft Deep Lawn/Turf Every 3-5 Days in the morning 6″ deep Come check out The Garden Guy Shop to get all the latest products from his books to fertilizers and pest controls. Click Here for more information! Calendar for Organic Gardening – September Water Deeply and infrequently. Prune Summer flowering perennials need spent blooms removed. … Read More →

Compost Teas


When it comes to improving your garden, it’s important to put down a 2- to 4-inch layer of good compost on top of the soil, but when you want immediate, long-lasting results, a true gardener will turn to compost tea.   Compost tea helps control insects, fungus and disease, and is basically just what it sounds like — compost steeped in a bucket of water.   To make your own … Read More →

Suggested Plants for Poolside Landscapes

poolside landscape

TREES Acacia abyssinica, Abyssinian acacia Acacia aneura, Mulga Acacia pendula, Weeping acacia Acacia salicina, Willow acacia Acacia stenophylla, Shoestring acacia Brahea armata, Mexican blue palm Butia capitata, Pindo Palm Caesalpinia cacalaco, Cascalote Chamaerops humilis, Mediterranean fan palm Chorisia speciosa, Silk floss tree Eucalyptus erythrocorys, Red-cap gum/Illyarri Eucalyptus formanii, Forman’s Eucalyptus Eucalyptus leucoxylon, ‘Rosea’, White Ironbark Eucalyptus spathulata, Swamp mallee Eucalyptus torquata, Coral Flowered Gum Eucalyptus woodwardii, Lemon Flowered Gum Geijera … Read More →

Go Tropical in Your Landscape


One of the greatest benefits of living in the Valley is the warm weather, which allows us to grow a wide assortment of plants. If you want to try your green thumb at a few tropical varieties of fruiting plants, look no further. I have some wonderful tips! Avocado trees can be purchased from nurseries all over town. Certain species do better than others, so purchase the plant from a … Read More →


flowering vine

Nothing beats vines for covering walls, garden structures or creating shade. One type of vine that I find useful is the Thompson seedless grapevine. It grows at an astounding rate in the spring, and with the right care, it will cover up structures made of wire, rebar or wood. The Thompson vine will sheds its leaves during the winter, allowing your patio or home to receive warm sunlight. In the … Read More →

Summer Gardens


As we move into summer, we need to start growing plants that can withstand our extreme heat. We also need to look at shade requirements and companion planting for a great summer garden. Shade is one of the most critical elements of summer gardening. Like people, plants also need a break from the hot midday sun and the afternoon shade is a must for almost any summer garden. I prefer … Read More →


mound of compost

Fertilization is the least understood but one of the most important elements of our landscape. Many times, we pour massive doses of fertilizer that is high in nitrogen and then wonder why we have insect and disease problems. These problems are stimulated by high synthetic nitrogen intake that makes our plants more susceptible to insects and disease problems. Plants are not meant to grow in spurts, but through a slow … Read More →

Dave Owens the Garden Guy
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