How to prune trees
Garden Guy Dave Owens runs down everything you need to know about pruning trees and keeping them healthy.
Garden Guy Dave Owens runs down everything you need to know about pruning trees and keeping them healthy.
Living in the desert southwest we are blessed to have the ideal climate for citrus trees. Citrus trees, due to their non-deciduous nature, are able to thrive in our mild winter and spring months, and then slow their growth in the colder and hotter months. Due to their ability to slow their growth, versus going dormant, citrus trees maintain their leaves and beauty all year long. They do not, however, … Read More →
Roses Roses are my favorite flowers to grow in the desert. They are very easy to maintain, but keep the following in mind: Buy roses that do well in the Southwest, such as Mr. Lincoln, Gene Borner and Don Juan. Fertilize often. I like to use about 1/4 bag of steer manure every three to five weeks. I also throw a few banana peels in for good measure as an … Read More →
Citrus trees are a great addition to any landscape. They are easy to grow and take very little care. (Anyone who thinks it takes a lot of care to reap the rewards of citrus unnecessarily induce most of the problems.) If you’re considering planting a citrus tree, go to a reputable source. I like Greenfield Citrus — you can look at all the varieties. And this time of year, you … Read More →